There are more than 700,000 people in Europe diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is a chronic (lifelong), neurological (central nervous system) condition. Typically, people are diagnosed during their prime working years (18-40 years of age), a time when they’re finishing school or starting university or becoming professionally active and financially independent or raising children or getting on with their adult life. Having a chronic illness, a happy personal life and a successful career, isn’t always straightforward.
This platform of information, tools, events and networking on MSatWork.LIFE provides people with MS, employers, healthcare professionals and decision-makers with the instruments to overcome the challenges. And we’ll keep adding Really Useful Information as the site develops.
Work and employment have been part of EMSP’s work for the past 20 years. In particular, we’ve looked at ways to break down barriers by showing the real-life issues that people have to deal with. We’ve been ahead of the curve, working closely with the people who know the issues first hand- people with MS and employers.
MS affects people differently, but there are commonalities. Many people experience a range of symptoms. They include mobility issues, loss of senses (sight, feeling, touch sensitivity) chronic pain, fatigue and cognitive issues to name some of the common types. Allowing for symptom management, people with MS want to stay in work and continue with their careers.
...exceeds the financial reward. Over years of running innovative, solution-focused projects MSatWork.Life brings the information together. EMSP advocates for social change so people with MS continue to have career opportunities and stay independent. We know there are issues with living with this condition. But where there are issues, we know there are solutions. MS is our business and we want to make everyone diagnosed with MS, they have the resources to make the right decisions for them. Specifically, work.
...physical and mental health as well as general wellbeing. It gives people a sense of purpose, provides financial independence and opens doors to further opportunities. It is an excellent way to make social connections and be actively involved in society. EMSP, Practical Toolkit for Employers.
You’re at...
...different stages of your careers, with different expectations about the job you have and the work we do. EMSP supports people whatever situation they’re in.
...use a variety of tools to stay in work. Whether it is building a different career, flexible working time, working from home, workplace adaptations… people innovate.
So, if you’re in work, want to return to work or are starting out in your first job, we have tools, tips and stories from other people with MS. Maybe you have some useful information you want to share? this conversation because we know that it’s the lived-experience that can be treasure-trove for others. Together, we work with EMSP member societies and you so people with MS get the information they need to make the right decisions for them so they can have successful careers.
1. Show you the data for what it means to be at work (INFOGRAPHIC)
2. Telling you the stories (like this one) of people with MS
(VIDEOS + Testimonials)
3. Highlighting the difference work makes in the lives of people with MS
MS is...
...a very serious illness with a variety of different, and difficult, symptoms. However, people adapt, building different strategies that work for them.