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What about the money? How much does it cost to not having a diverse workforce? From one of the premier business publications comes a This groundbreaking study included surveying over 500 executives and interviewing 40 of them. In addition, the Economist Intelligence Unit researched the diversity readiness of 47 different countries to create the Global Diversity Readiness Index.
The Economist intelligence Unit
This Guide to good practice is primarily aimed at employers and managers who are faced with the challenges and opportunities of managing workers with chronic illness and supporting them to stay at work; or to assist in the process of returning to work after a period of absence. Many workers who develop and present with chronic illnesses have a valuable contribution to make to the European workforce which should not be overlooked.
European Network for Workplace Health Promotion
If early intervention among people of working age was prioritised to maximise both clinical and work ability benefits, the societal and
economic returns to these investments would be of value to governments, healthcare systems, employers, civil society and individuals and their families or carers.
Fit for Work Europe, 2015
It is a mark of how far medical care has advanced that such a high proportion of young people with chronic ill-health are not only surviving to adulthood but can look forward with optimism to fulfilling lives. However, many young people living with chronic conditions still struggle to meet some of the challenges of becoming independent adults in modern society.
Fit for Work Europe, 2013
The analysis found a statistically significant relationship between a more diverse leadership team and better financial performance. The companies in the top quartile of gender diversity were 15 percent more likely to have financial returns that were above their national industry median.
McKinsey & Company
People with MS were proportionally more likely than the comparison group to allege discrimination related to reasonable accommodations, terms or conditions of employment, constructive discharge, and demotion.
The Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 2005
Ready for Work Project initial work
The Work Foundation and EMSP, 2016
Ready for Work Project initial work
The Work Foundation and EMSP, 2016
Reasonable accomodation is often not only costs less than expected. They can cost nothing at all. A really useful publication from the MSIF with of case studies, facts and practical advice for people with MS and their employers.
MSIF Magazine, 2010
People with multiple sclerosis often stop working earlier than expected. Psychological factors may have an impact on job retention. Investigation may inform interventions to help people stay in work.
The Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2016
his was the start of my journey revealing the importance of staying professioanlly active. "This report brings together evidence and insights from a variety of sources to highlight some of the key issues impacting people with multiple sclerosis (MS) during their working life. It aims to increase awareness, stimulate debate and encourage innovation amongst policy-makers and practitioners to improve the lives of individuals with MS".
The Work Foundation, 2012
Why is it important for health care professionals to talk about work?
Many people with MS can work, and would like to work. However, along with their symptoms, a culture of low expectation, stigma, self-stigma and discrimination all present barriers to realising such ambitions.
EMSP and The Work Foundation, 2016
From disability to ability at work: Successful case management approaches in multiple sclerosis. Focusing on ability results in significant benefits for all. The Swiss MS Society worked with businesses and people with MS to successfully case manage MS in the workplace. This involves providing specific improvements to the work environment and matching the capability of the individual to their job function.
Swiss MS Society, Valens MS Rehabilitation Clinik and Jurg Kesselring, 2011
People with disabilities not only have a valuable contribution to make to the national economy, their employment also reduces the cost of disability benefits, reduces social isolation and poverty.
ILO, 2002
Illness is costly to individuals, their families but also to the wider society in terms of economic contribution. NHS England’s Five Year Forward View, published in October 2014, highlighted that sickness absence-related costs to employers and taxpayers in the UK are currently estimated at £22 billion per year. In addition, it notes that individuals collectively miss out on £4 billion a year of lost earnings.
The Work Foundation, 2011